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1 What is IMYplay?

This program is used for playing iMelody ringtones (IMY files), conforming to the iMelody ( specification, as written in doc/imelody.txt.

IMYplay can use the following outputs to produce sound:

  1. the Allegro game library (,
  2. SDL v1 and v2 (Simple DirectMedia Layer;,
  3. ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture;,
  4. OSS (Open Sound System),
  5. libao (,
  6. PortAudiov19 (,
  7. PulseAudio (,
  8. JACK1/JACK2 (,
  9. GStreamer (, gstreamer-plugin-base required).

It can also:

IMYplay, of course, requires working sound hardware with drivers to produce any sound.

IMYplay’s homepage is