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3 Usage

Basic syntax is:

imyplay [options] ringtone.imy [...]

The ringtone.imy part stands for a supported iMelody file.

Options in the full version:

-d <dev>
--device <dev>

Try to use the given device (ALSA, OSS, GStreamer, PC-speaker), driver ID (libao), server name (JACK1, JACK2, PulseAudio) for sound output or set the sampling rate and samples’ format (case-insensitive: s16le, s16be, u16le, u16be, s8le, s8be, u8le, u8be), e.g. --dev 44100:s16le for the FILE, Allegro, PortAudio and SDL backends.

-e <program>
--exec <program>

Execute the given program instead of normal sound output. Overrides -o/--output and -f/--file options.
You can pass the following expressions in the ‘<program>’ argument and these will get substituted by the correct values when the program is about to be started:

Any other %X expressions will NOT be altered.

-f <file>
--file <file>

Write raw samples to this file instead of normal sound output. Overrides the -o/--output. Changes any .imy file extension to .raw in the output file’s name if filename not provided. Use --dev to specify the sampling rate and samples’ format.


Print help and exit.


Print license information and exit.

--midi-instr <number>

Use the given MIDI instrument number in MIDI output.

-o <system>
--output <system>

Use the given sound output system (allegro, sdl, alsa, oss, ao/libao, portaudio/port, jack, pulseaudio/pulse, gstreamer/gst, speaker/pcspeaker/spkr/pcspkr). Names are NOT case-sensitive.

PC-Speaker output under Linux may require the snd-pcsp or pcspkr (or similar) kernel module to be loaded and permissions to access /dev/console.

JACK output: if the JACK server doesn’t start automatically, you can run it yourself with e.g.

jackd -d alsa -r 44100 -p 8192 &


Convert the given files to MIDI format (if the target file exists, it is deleted). Overrides -o/--output, -f/--file and -e/--exec. Changes any .imy file extension to .mid in the output file’s name if filename not provided.


Print version numbers and exit.

Alternatively to using the --output option, you can launch the program as imyplay-alsa, imyplay-allegro and so on (these can be symbolic links or copies of the executable file). This overrides the default order of output systems, but does NOT override the --to-midi, -f/--file and -e/--exec options.

If imyplay-exec is called, the -e/--exec is still required to provide the program to run.

The default MinGW build has just the SDLv2 backend enabled, with a default driver. If that doesn’t work for you, you can set the environment variable SDL_AUDIODRIVER to a value which works for you. Check the SDL documentation for known drivers. Examples: directsound, dsound, waveout, winmm.

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